How to Add People on Spotify App: A Guide for Android, iOS, Mac, and PC

How to Add People on Spotify A Guide for Android, iOS, Mac, and PC

The popular music streaming platform, Spotify offers a social feature that allows you to connect with friends, share playlists, and discover new music together.

Add people on Spotify is a simple process that can be done through the app on various devices, including Android phones, iOS devices, Macs, and Computers.

This guide will walk you through the steps to add people on Spotify across different platforms.

Add People on Spotify (Android)

    Step 1: Open the Spotify App: Launch the Spotify Premium App on your Android phone.

    Step 2: Navigate to Your Profile: Tap on the “Your Library” tab at the bottom right corner. Then, tap on your profile icon at the top right corner of the screen to access your profile.

    Step 3: Access Settings: In your profile, locate and tap on the gear icon or “Settings.”

    add friends on spotify phone

    Step 4: Find and Tap on “Social”: Scroll down until you find the “Social” section in the settings menu. Tap on it to proceed.

    Step 5: Add Friends: Under the “Social” section, you’ll find options to connect with friends. Tap “Connect to Facebook” to add friends from Facebook, or tap “Find Friends” to search for friends by username, email, or phone number.

    Step 6: Follow or Send Friend Requests: Once you’ve found the person you want to add, you can either follow them directly if they’re already on Spotify or send them a friend request if they’re not.

    add people on spotify phone

    Add People on Spotify (iOS)

    Step 1: Launch Spotify App: Open the Spotify app on your iOS device.

    Step 2: Go to Your Profile: Tap on the “Your Library” tab at the bottom right corner. Then, tap on your profile icon at the top left corner of the screen.

    Step 3: Access Settings: Scroll down until you find “Settings” and tap on it.

    Step 4: Find and Tap on “Social”: In the settings menu, locate and tap on “Social.”

    Step 5: Add Friends: Under the “Social” section, you’ll find options to connect with friends. Tap on “Connect to Facebook” or “Find Friends” to add people.

    Step 6: Follow or Send Friend Requests: Follow the same steps as on Android to follow or send friend requests to people.

      Add People on Spotify (PC)

        Step 1: Launch Spotify Desktop App: Open the Spotify desktop app on your PC.

        Step 2: Access Your Profile: Click on your profile name or picture at the top right corner.

        Step 3: Navigate to Settings: In the dropdown menu, click on “Settings.”

        add friends on spotify pc

        Step 4: Find and Click on “Social”: Locate and click on “Social” in the settings menu.

        Step 5: Add Friends: Connect with friends through Facebook or search for friends directly within the Spotify app.

        Step 6: Follow or Send Friend Requests: Follow the same steps as on other devices to follow or send friend requests.

        add people on spotify pc

        Add People on Spotify (Mac)

            Step 1: Open Spotify Desktop App: Launch the Spotify desktop app on your Mac.

            Step 2: Access Your Profile: Click on your profile name at the top right corner of the screen.

            Step 3: Navigate to Settings: In the dropdown menu, click on “Settings.”


            Step 4: Find and Click on “Social”: In the settings menu, locate and click on “Social.”

            Step 5: Add Friends: You can connect with friends through Facebook or search for friends directly within the Spotify app.

            Step 6: Follow the same steps as on mobile devices to follow or send friend requests.


            How to add friends on spotify without Facebook?

            To add friends on Spotify without using Facebook, follow these steps:

            1. Open the Spotify app and navigate to your profile.
            2. Tap on “Find Friends” or “Friends” in your profile settings.
            3. Search for users by their Spotify username.
            4. When you find the person you want to add, tap on “Follow” next to their username.
            5. You can also accept follow-up requests from others in the same section.

            By following these steps, you can easily connect with friends on Spotify without relying on Facebook.

            Syncing Sounds: How to Connect Spotify to Alexa for Seamless Music Playback.

            add friends on spotify without facebook


            By following these simple steps, you can easily add people on Spotify and expand your musical network. Whether you’re using an Android phone, iOS device, Mac, or PC, connecting with friends on Spotify enhances your music streaming experience and opens up new possibilities for sharing discovering uploading, and downloading music together.


            Can I Add People on Spotify Without Their Username?

            Yes, you can add people on Spotify through your contacts list or by connecting through Facebook. Additionally, you can search for users by their Spotify username if you know it.

            Do Both Users Need to Have a Premium Spotify Account to Add Each Other?

            No, both users do not need to have a Premium Spotify account to add each other. You can follow and be followed by users regardless of their account type.

            Can I Add People on Spotify Using Their Email Address?

            Currently, Spotify does not offer the option to add people using their email addresses. However, you can connect with friends through your contacts list, Facebook, or by searching for their Spotify usernames.

            Is There a Limit to the Number of People I Can Add on Spotify?

            Spotify does not impose a specific limit on the number of people you can add. You can follow as many users as you like to stay updated on their music preferences and playlists.

            Can I Remove Someone I’ve Added on Spotify?

            Yes, you can unfollow someone on Spotify if you no longer wish to be connected with them. Simply visit their profile and click on the “Following” button to unfollow them.

            What Happens When I Add Someone on Spotify?

            When you add someone on Spotify, you’ll be able to see their public playlists, activity, and profile information. You can also share music recommendations and playlists.

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