How to Change Your Spotify Email Address on All Devices 2024

How to Change Your Spotify Email Address

Are you facing issues with your Spotify account due to an outdated email address? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Change Your Spotify email is a simple solution to ensure constant access to your favorite music and playlists.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the straightforward process of updating your email address on Spotify, helping you resolve any account-related problems swiftly and efficiently.

How to Change Your Spotify Email Address on Android Phone

If you’re an Android user, updating your Spotify email address is a breeze. Follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Accessing Settings: Open the Spotify app on your Android Phone and navigate to the “Settings” menu.

Spotify Setting

Step 2: Editing Email: Locate the “Account” section within Settings and select “Edit Profile.” Here, you’ll find the option to update your email address. Please enter your new email and confirm the changes to save them.

Spotify Account

How to Change Your Spotify Email Address on iOS device

For iOS users, the process is similarly straightforward. Here’s what you need to do:

Step 1: Using the Spotify App: Open the Spotify app on your iOS device and log in to your account if prompted.

Step 2: Updating Email Details: Tap on the “Profile” icon at the top right corner of the screen. Select “Account Settings” from the profile menu and then “Edit Profile.”

Spotify email edit

Step 3: Enter your new email address and “save” the changes.

change your spotify email save

How to Change Your Spotify Email Address on Desktop

Changing your Spotify email address on a desktop computer is equally easy. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Navigating to Account Settings: Open your preferred web browser and visit this Spotify website. Log in to your Spotify account if necessary.

Step 2: Modifying Email Address: Once logged in, click on your profile name at the top right corner of the screen and select “Account.” In the Account Overview section, choose “Edit Profile” and update your email information. Save the changes when finished.

edit email

How to Change Your Spotify Email Address on Macbook

Mac users can also update their Spotify email addresses with a few simple clicks:

Step 1: Steps for Mac Users: Open your Mac web browser on your Macbook and visit this Spotify website.

Step 2: Changing Email via Web Browser: Log in to your Spotify account and access your Account Settings. Locate the option to edit your profile details, including your email address.

edit profile mail

Step 3: Enter the new email and “save” the changes to update your account.

change email save

Tips for a Smooth Change

1: Double-Checking Changes: After updating your email address, it’s essential to double-check the changes to ensure accuracy.

2: Ensuring Email Validity: Make sure the new email address you provide is valid and accessible to receive communication from Spotify.

Set a New Spotify Email

Changing your Spotify email is easy, so don’t delay if you’re not using your old email anymore. Your account data won’t be deleted when you update your email.

You’ll keep your subscription, playlists downloaded songs, and playback settings the same. So, go ahead and update your email to keep enjoying Spotify hassle-free.


Updating your Spotify email address is a simple process that can be done on various devices, including Android phones, iPhones, desktop computers, and Macbooks.

By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that your Spotify account remains connected to the right email address, keeping you informed and in control of your music streaming experience. Check out How much does Spotify pay per stream.


Can I change my Spotify email address multiple times?

Yes, you can change your Spotify email address multiple times, but there may be limitations or waiting periods between changes to prevent abuse of the system.

Will changing my email address affect my playlists or saved music on Spotify?

No, changing your email address on Spotify will not affect your playlists, Upload music list, or saved music. Your account information, including your saved content, remains intact.

Can I use any email address to create or change my Spotify account?

Yes, you can use any valid email address to create or change your Spotify account. However, it’s essential to use an email address that you have access to and regularly check for important notifications from Spotify.

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