How to Stop Spotify from Opening on Startup (Mac, Windows, Android, iOS)

How to Stop Spotify from Opening on Startup


We’ve all been there: you power on your device, and before you know it, the Spotify App is already playing your favorite tunes. While it’s great for those spontaneous dance sessions, having Spotify open automatically on startup can slow down your device and clutter your workspace.

This guide will walk you through how to stop Spotify from opening on startup across various platforms: Mac, Windows, Android, and iOS. You’ll regain control over your device’s startup process by the end.

How to Stop Spotify from Opening on Startup (Mac)

Accessing System Preferences

Go to Spotify For Mac First, head to System Preferences. You can find this by clicking the Apple logo in the top-left corner of your screen and selecting “System Preferences” from the dropdown menu.

Managing Login Items

Within System Preferences, go to Users & Groups. Select your user account, then click on the Login Items tab. Here, you’ll see a list of items that open automatically when you log in. Find Spotify in the list, select it, and then click the minus button (-) to remove it.

Adjusting Spotify Settings

Open Spotify, then go to Spotify > Preferences (or use the shortcut Command + Comma). Scroll down to the Startup and Window Behavior section. Set Open Spotify automatically after you log into the computer to “No.”

How to Stop Spotify from Opening on Startup (Windows)

Using Task Manager

Go to Spotify For PC, and Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open Task Manager. Navigate to the Startup tab. Here, you’ll see a list of programs that start up with your computer. Locate Spotify, right-click on it, and select Disable.

Disabling Through Spotify Settings

Open Spotify, click on the three dots in the top-left corner, then go to Edit > Preferences. Scroll down to the Startup and Window Behavior section and set Open Spotify automatically after you log into the computer to “No.”

Editing System Configuration (msconfig)

Press Win + R, type “msconfig,” and press Enter. Go to the Startup tab and click Open Task Manager. Here, you can disable Spotify from starting up. Apply the changes and restart your computer.

How to Stop Spotify from Opening on Startup (Android)

Adjusting App Settings

Go to Spotify Premium App. Open your device’s Settings, go to Apps or Application Manager, find Spotify, and tap on it. Look for the Autostart option and disable it.

Using Third-Party Apps

Consider using apps like Autostarts or Startup Manager from the Google Play Store. These apps give you more control over which apps can start automatically.

How to Stop Spotify from Opening on Startup (iOS)

Managing App Settings

Go to Spotify For iOS Open Settings > Spotify and turn off any options related to Background App Refresh and notifications that might prompt the app to start automatically.

Adjusting Background App Refresh

Navigate to Settings > General > Background App Refresh. Locate Spotify and turn off the toggle switch.

Benefits of Disabling Auto-Startup Programs

Faster Boot Times

When fewer programs start automatically, your device boots up faster. You can get to work (or play) without the wait.

Reduced System Load

With fewer apps running in the background, your device uses less memory and CPU power, making it run smoother.

Improved Focus

Starting with a clean slate helps you focus on the tasks without distractions from apps opening automatically.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Spotify Re-Enabling Itself

Sometimes, Spotify might re-enable itself after an update. Make sure to check your settings periodically.

Permissions Issues

If you’re unable to disable Spotify from startup, it might be a permissions issue. Ensure you have administrative privileges on your device.

Persistent Startup Problems

If the usual methods don’t work, consider resetting Spotify or reinstalling the app to see if this resolves the issue.

Alternative Methods to Control Startup Programs

Using Third-Party Software

Programs like CCleaner or Autoruns offer more comprehensive control over your startup programs, giving you the power to disable unwanted applications effectively.

Advanced System Tweaks

Advanced users should consider editing the system registry or using shell scripts to control startup behavior. However, proceed with caution, as incorrect changes can affect system stability.


Customizing your startup settings can significantly enhance your device’s performance and your overall user experience.

By following these steps, you’ll stop Spotify from opening on startup, giving you more control over your device’s resources and startup process.


How can I stop Spotify from opening on startup for good?

Ensure you disable it in both system settings and within Spotify’s settings. Periodically check after updates to ensure it hasn’t re-enabled itself.

Will disabling Spotify on startup affect its performance?

No, it won’t affect Spotify’s performance. It will only prevent it from opening automatically when you start your device.

Can I set Spotify to open automatically at a specific time?

You cannot do this directly through Spotify, but you can use task scheduling tools on your device to achieve this.

What other apps should I consider disabling at the startup?

Consider disabling any non-essential apps like game launchers, cloud storage services, and chat applications to improve startup times.

How can I enable Spotify to open on startup again if I change my mind?

Re-enable it in your device’s startup settings and within Spotify’s settings under the Startup and Window Behavior section.

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