How to Upload Music to Spotify: A Comprehensive Guide for Artists

how to upload music to spotify


Spotify Premium App has become one of the leading platforms for streaming music, offering its users a vast library of songs, albums, and playlists. While Spotify primarily functions as a platform for users to discover and listen to music, it allows artists to share their music directly with fans.

In this guide, we will walk you through the process of upload music to Spotify, whether you’re an aspiring artist or an established musician looking to expand your audience.

Sign Up for Spotify for Artists

Before sharing your music on Spotify, you must create an account on Spotify for Artists. This is a free service provided by Spotify that allows artists to manage their profiles, track performance metrics, and upload their music directly to the platform.

You can register by navigating the Spotify for Artists website and following the prompts to set up your account. Check out How to download songs from the Spotify App.

Prepare Your Music Files

Before you upload your music to Spotify, it’s essential to make sure your music files meet Spotify’s formatting requirements.

Spotify accepts audio files in the following formats: .mp3, .wav, and .flac. Your files should also meet the following criteria:

  1. The audio should be high-quality and free from any distortions or artifacts.
  2. Ensure that each song contains accurate metadata, encompassing the artist’s name, track title, album title (if relevant), and genre.
  3. Additionally, furnish album artwork in a square layout with a minimum resolution of 1600 x 1600 pixels.

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upload music to spotify

Upload Music to Spotify

Once you’ve signed up for Spotify for Artists and prepared your music files, you can upload your music to the platform. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Access your Spotify for Artists profile by logging in.
  2. Navigate to the “Music” section using the top menu.
  3. Click on the “Upload” button.
  4. Choose the desired audio files from your computer for uploading.
  5.  Complete the metadata fields for each track, including the artist name, track title, album title (if applicable), and genre.
  6. Upload your album artwork.
  7.  Review your entered information and click “Submit” to upload your music to Spotify.

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    Wait for Review and Distribution

    After you’ve submitted your music to Spotify, it will undergo a review process to ensure it meets Spotify’s quality standards and guidelines. This process typically takes a few days, during which Spotify will verify your tracks’ metadata and audio quality.

    Once your music has been approved, it will be distributed to Spotify’s library, which will be available for users to discover and listen to. Check out How to Connect Spotify to Alexa and Make It Your Default Music Player.

    Promote Your Music

    Now that your music is live on Spotify, it’s time to promote it to your fans and followers. Share your Spotify artist profile on social media, encourage your fans to follow you on Spotify, and create playlists featuring your music to increase visibility.

    You can also collaborate with other artists and influencers to reach new audiences and grow your fan base. Check out How to Clear the Queue on Spotify.


    Uploading Music to Spotify on Different Platforms

    Now, let’s define the upload song method on different platforms:

    Android Mobile

    To upload music to Spotify on an Android mobile device, follow these steps:

    1. Open the Spotify for Artists app on your Android device.
    2. Log in to your account.
    3. Tap on the “Music” tab.
    4. Tap on the “Upload” button.
    5. Select the audio files you want to upload from your device’s storage.
    6. Fill in the relevant metadata for each track.
    7. Upload your album artwork.
    8. Review the information and tap “Submit” to upload your music.

    Check out How to reset or change your spotify password.

    upload music to spotify on android phone


    To upload music to Spotify on a desktop computer, follow these steps:

    1. Open your web browser and go to the Spotify for Artists website.
    2. Log in to your account.
    3. Click on the “Music” tab.
    4. Click on the “Upload” button.
    5. Select the audio files you want to upload from your computer.
    6. Fill in the relevant metadata for each track.
    7. Upload your album artwork.
    8. Review the information and click “Submit” to upload your music.


    To upload music to Spotify on an iOS device, follow these steps:

    1. Open the Spotify for Artists app on your iOS device.
    2. Log in to your account.
    3. Tap on the “Music” tab.
    4. Tap on the “Upload” button.
    5. Select the audio files you want to upload from your device’s storage.
    6. Fill in the relevant metadata for each track.
    7. Upload your album artwork.
    8. Review the information and tap “Submit” to upload your music.
    upload your music to spotify on iphone


    To upload music to Spotify on a Mac, follow these steps:

    1. Open your web browser and go to the Spotify for Artists website.
    2. Log in to your account.
    3. Click on the “Music” tab.
    4. Click on the “Upload” button.
    5. Select the audio files you want to upload from your computer.
    6. Fill in the relevant metadata for each track.
    7. Upload your album artwork.
    8. Review the information and click “Submit” to upload your music.

    By following these steps, you can successfully upload your music to Spotify and share your art with millions of listeners around the world. Remember to promote your music actively to maximize its reach and impact. Good luck!

    Unlocking Your Playlist: Easy Steps to Download Songs from Spotify and Enjoy Offline Listening.


    Uploading music to Spotify offers artists an incredible opportunity to share their work with a global audience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can successfully upload your music to Spotify and begin connecting with fans around the world. From signing up for Spotify for Artists to promoting your music on social media, each step plays a crucial role in ensuring your music reaches as many listeners as possible.

    Remember, the journey continues once your music is live on Spotify. Continuously engage with your audience, promote your music through various channels, and explore opportunities for collaboration to expand your reach further. With dedication and perseverance, you can leverage Spotify as a powerful platform to showcase your talent and grow your fan base.


    Do I need a specific type of account to upload music to Spotify?

    Yes, you need to sign up for Spotify for Artists, which is a free service provided by Spotify for musicians and artists.

    Are there any formatting requirements for the music files I upload?

    Yes, Spotify accepts audio files in formats such as .mp3, .wav, and .flac. Make sure your files are high-quality and adequately tagged with metadata.

    How long does it take for my music to be available on Spotify after uploading?

    The review process typically takes a few days, during which Spotify verifies your tracks’ metadata and audio quality.

    Can I edit or remove my uploaded music from Spotify?

    Yes, you can edit or remove your music from Spotify for Artists. Log in to your account and make the necessary changes.

    Do I retain ownership of my music when I upload it to Spotify?

    Yes, you retain ownership of your music when you upload it to Spotify. Spotify is a distribution platform that allows you to reach a wider audience while maintaining ownership rights.

    Are there any fees associated with uploading music to Spotify?

    No, Spotify for Artists is a free service. Uploading your music to the platform is free of charge.

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